miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012


James has got  2 cats,Nash and  Badger 
and 2 dogs,Lizzie and Mia.
His fauvorites number is 16.
His fauvorites colour is green.
In Spain  James lives in the street Mateo Estevan Llanas.
His fauvorite food is burrito.
He loves chocolate.
He likes vegetables.
For dinner James eat some vegetables and some meat.
James doesn´t Justin Biber.

Mateo,Blanca,Lorién and Rubén.

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012

El Bobo

This painting is by Picasso.
It is called El Bobo.
There is one person.He has got brown hair.
He is cooking

Ana y Aitana.

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012


This painting is by Pablo Picasso
It's called portrait of  Dora Maar
There is a woman
She is sitting.
She has got long hair
She has got big nose
She is tall

Sofía Torres,Hugo Nadal,Jorge Monesma